Social ice cream! Good way to explain social media (but of course quite a few simplifications - much that could be discuessed...).
Good way to make a low-cost movie too. Reminds me of "low-fi prototyping" - using post-it notes and scissors - instead of nice-looking computer screens - to demonstrate and prototype the functionality of a computer program being developed.
Social ice cream! Good way to explain social media (but of course quite a few simplifications - much that could be discuessed...).
SvaraRaderaGood way to make a low-cost movie too. Reminds me of "low-fi prototyping" - using post-it notes and scissors - instead of nice-looking computer screens - to demonstrate and prototype the functionality of a computer program being developed.
Yeah exactly
SvaraRaderathat was why I shared it
Btw I couldn't download the link
SvaraRaderaI think there might be a paywall. I can download it from KTH (as KTH pays ACM for access, I presume). Try to download/access if from KTH.
SvaraRaderaThe link goes to a 15-year old very good article called "Prototyping for tiny fingers" by Marc Rettig.
SvaraRaderathanks Daniel