Isn´t it kind of smart of Zuckerberg to realease a new system of information gathering while the movie telling his story is played in the theaters. Facebook will offer a new messging system just for the benefit of the user.
BBC wrote something quite interesting.
E-Mail is dead, isn´t it?
'E-mail is dead, isn't it?' - the same was said by Google when they launched Google Wave...
SvaraRaderaYeah, we all remember Wave... but this time around, Facebook is not foolish enough (as Google was) to think they can survive without any interoperability at all, in their own world. They're saying they'll provide bridges between e-mail services and their Messages infrastructure.
SvaraRaderaI don't know how it'll be, but if this is going to be fully interoperable and I'll be able to actually receive messages in my (e-mail) inbox and reply from my regular e-mail, then I much welcome the change. If this is going to be one-way (as is currently the case), then it'll remain as awkward to use as it is now.
N.B.: The part where Zuckerberg explains about high schoolers prefering Facebook to e-mails made me smile. :p At least, they seem to realize that Facebook, as it is now, is not for Serious Business(tm) and I think it's better if they leave it at that.
I was the advisor of two students who wrote the bachelor's thesis about Google Wave only this past spring.
SvaraRaderaAlthough it might seem that their thesis is without value just half a year after it was finished, you might instead turn the tables and see it as a valuable (historical) document that provides a shapshot of the hype while it was still going...
What was their theses about, what point were they trying to make?
SvaraRaderaWave attracted much hype, but this also had the downside that it drew a lot of criticism, people badmouthing it and waiting for it to fall. I, for one, gave it a single try, back when it was launched; I was much annoyed by the buzz and so in my view, if something that dared claim so much to itself did not deliver right away, then it didn't deserve any second chance. So I tried, left, and never looked back.
The more you hype yourself as the next Big Thing, the easier it is for you to crumble under expectations... My marketing-for-dummies teacher (i.e. she taught the all-in-one marketing introduction for engineering students) once told us that it is important that you advertise what you can deliver, not just technically (because there's little doubt that Wave was a technically sound project), but in terms of usable features.
They did a usability study of Wave. They had a list of (typical) tasks that people might use Wave for and then documented problems when they sat people in front of a computer and asked them to perform these tasks. They also correlated the problems people had with the "crucialness" of the feature in question.