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lördag 16 oktober 2010

Welcome to the DM2578 course blog

I don't yet know for sure how many students will take the course "DM2578 Social Media Technologies" that starts soon (end of October 2010).

However, we will together know about or come across many different examples of innovative social media services and programs during the course.

This blog is where you post them (and where you can read the suggestions of last year's students)! All students will be invited to become contributors (who can post blog entries) here, so do feel free to post whatever you think is related to the course, to the cutting edge of and the future of Social Media Technologies.

Also feel free to check out others' suggestions and also post comments to other posts.

If you read this message already before the course starts, please either leave a comment here, or send of an e-mail to me (Daniel Pargman) with the e-mail address you want to use throughout the course (choose carefully, it can be either a private or a professional (student) mail address - but I don't want you to change later). I will then send you an invitation to become a contributor to this blog!


2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi, Daniel

    It seems I am the first one here, I found it since I just went through the blog of the course last year. I believe it will be an awesome course and I am looking forward to it.

    Will send an e-mail to you with my frequently used e-mail address.


  2. Good you found the blog. But, since you're the only one, we'll do this e-mail address stuff at the introductory lecture instead.
